Do you believe in enneagrams?

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Hi, Samantha. I wrote a little bit about personality profiles here:


It has been years since I read much about any of that stuff. It's not something I follow.

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It’s a Jesuit thing. We had a friend who went down rabbit holes and led us into enneagrams, myers briggs etc then into terrible errors like universalism. Then the Lord took him in a small plane crash. So I am very cautious about anything that comes from a Roman Catholic root.

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Your trip sounds absolutely wonderful!❤️

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Wow, Denise ... this piece hit me right where I'm at! My nest emptied about 7 years ago (not counting college breaks and summers), and I ended up getting a job at a local library. Fast forward to last month, and I officially retired at a "young" age. The job was great, but I missed the gift of time, or what I called "life time" over "work time." Now I'm doing much of the same thing you're doing, which is thinking over what to say yes to in this new season of life. I'm getting back to writing and other creative pursuits (in fact, currently working on a Substack piece about my thoughts on retirement), which delights me, but I also want to get involved in service and possibly a bible study. Will have to keep the idea of a "sacred yes" in mind as I consider these things!

P.S. Loved your pictures of Switzerland! We went last year, our first trip to Europe due to a son studying abroad, and Switzerland amazed us ... sooo beautiful!

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I retired a number of years ago and said ‘no’ to all requests except from family. The gift of time is one I treasure. I refuse to do the mindless safe ministry government managerial nonsense. If over 30 years of teaching and ministry in several different countries is not good enough then too bad. I run a bible study and enjoy the traditional service that we attend.

Isn’t Switzerland so expensive? We are off to Scandinavia and Europe and especially Eastern Europe next year. I love Eastern Europe.

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Yes, oh yes! Emptynesthood is freeing. We too travel, and 3 yrs ago we leaned into my soul need for canine companionship (our dog died in 2016) and joined Trusted Housesitters. We go to amazing places and (staying for free) care for beautiful homes and pets!

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Lee, that sounds awesome!

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Lovely pictures you captured Denise. I pulled out your "Cultivating a Quiet Life", a few days ago. So good to go through the devotions again. Timeless. Rhythms. Contentment. Being in the Word. Our sacred yes. Great news that you are writing a new book. :)

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I continue to say yes to long walks before winter and icy roads/sidewalks begin. I say yes to occasionally practicing watercolor painting. I say yes my reading through the Bible chronologically and reading all of the commentary notes/charts/maps in the Bible I am using to do so.

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And I loved hearing about your trip to Switzerland and seeing those gorgeous pictures!

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Hi Denise,

Such beautiful photos from your trip, it sounds absolutely delightful!

I'm saying YES to praying and studying the Psalms. Persevering with writing. Long walks and good books. Soaking up family time. Trusting God again and again.

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Denise, beautiful pictures of your travels but even more beautiful,is the picture of you with Jeff. I see light, peace, and a calm contentment in your face.

I’m saying a Sacred yes to deeper, intimate, spiritual conversations with friends, yes to Dave Ramsey’s financial plan, yes Bucket List trips, yes to scaling back in every area of my life, yes to alone time with Jesus. Yes to quiet.

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