So many wonderful passages in Isaiah 🧡. I've never studied it in full but plan to soon!

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Thank you Denise for sharing about your deeper study of Isaiah. The book of Isaiah is one of my favorites. Soon after I was save at the tender age of 15, I found these beautiful words of the Lord...Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. You are mine. My heart leapt with joy...Someone loved me...the One Who would never leave me, never forsake me. At 70 years of age now, I treasure all God's promises, and I am eternally grateful for His great love for me and promise of heaven. What a Mighty God we serve. May God's favor rest upon you and yours. --Sylvia in WV

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My ZOOM group & I are reading through the Bible and we are currently in 2 Kings

What a blessing it is!✝️

Thank you Denise for writing such an encouraging piece.

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Excellent writing. Using Psalms 119:18 as a prayer before Bible reading is real wisdom. Thanks for sharing it.

Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from your instruction. (Psalm 119:18)

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Several years ago I read one of your books. In the book you mentioned praying the scripture Psalm 119:18 before studying the bible. I began praying the scripture before my daily Bible reading. Thank you for mentioning this verse in your book.

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I appreciate your precious words and reminders. You always speak right to where I am walking. Blessings.....

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Thanks for sharing this wonderful thoughts.

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I love the prayer before reading Psalm 119:18 and thanks for being a women on wisdom and always being willing to speak up and encourage me and anyone that comes in contact with you -

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