Some helpful thoughts there. It is very difficult to get back into relating positively with fellow Christian’s these days. Covid and the very bad handling of a respiratory virus that was no risk to most us and then the insistence on dangerous vaccines, now climate alarmism and the censoring of free speech has made communication very difficult. Mostly the people in my church listen to MSM and believe the lies that are disseminated day and night so it becomes very hard to be silent in the all that. The fact that on my country church attendance was not seen as a essential service is a very sore point. My fellow Christians seem to have embraced tracking, testing, masking and vaccines with gusto. Yet they still get covid. I attend traditional services with the older folk in our congregation which are very reassuring and a real blessing. I get needing solitude but it seems that is all we have had for years and getting back into fellowship is the next challenge.

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I'm glad to have you here, Jillian.

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Denise, I am a lover of lists. Thank you for yours. Well done. I look forward to more from The Quiet Contrarian.

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Denise, every one of these resonated with my soul. After reading Sanctuary in the pretelease group, I read it again in January. My soul needed that .. Both times!

I love the idea of puttering. You have put together thoughts for every corner of our lives. As I approach 65 this summer, I'll have to add a few more to your fifty! One is to "prepare what I'll retire TO, not from!". What does God have for this next phase of life?

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I like that, retire TO…☺️

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Great list❤️

Since leaving social media, I’ve gotten back into the habit of sending birthday cards and thinking of you notes.

And this past year, I came across the practice of Hygge. Have you ever heard of it?

As an introvert, it resonates with me☺️

I love cozy, slow, & purposeful living.

I’ll be 50 in 3 years and it just blows my mind!

I don’t remember how I came across your writing’s, but I’m glad The Lord ordered my steps here!

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I love the way you write. I am never bored reading what you have to say. No words are wasted and you have a lot of important things to say. I just finished Sanctuary and loved it.

In this this I do most of them already but my favorites are #3 (our home as a sanctuary) and #23 (being obedient to the small thing God has called you to).

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Thank you, Teri. I am very glad that you are here.

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A great list! I thoroughly enjoy puttering around the house with a good podcast in my ears. I've tried to listen to audio books but for some reason I just don't enjoy books in that format.

I think my favourite is 'give generously and anonymously'- The feeling of contentment that comes when I have given something to someone with thought and intention, yet I keep it between myself and God is sweet. I imagine Him smiling at me with a twinkle in His eye at our shared knowledge of kindness. I imagine we are most like Jesus when we indulge in generous and anonymous giving with joy. I wonder if this is why Jesus so often told people not to tell anyone after He had healed them or worked a miracle (as impossible a request that sounds!).

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I totally get that. I don't enjoy listening to audiobooks either, but sometimes I will listen WHILE reading the text with my eyes. If it's a more difficult nonfiction text, I've found that this helps me stay more focused. :-)

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These are great. I once wrote “25 Things About Me“ (a musing for family and friends), and now I’m tempted to embark on “62 ... From Pink to Blue“ about how my favorite color has changed.

I also delight in #28! A free-flowing day at home, and when my husband is out of the house! 😜

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I'm so glad you're here, Lee!

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Thanks Denise for sharing your wisdom. Lots of really good stuff in there. Laughing and singing are essential to a happy life, and evidence thereof.

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