Welcome . . .
Hi. If we haven’t met yet, I’m Denise, and I’m committed to doing “online life” a little quieter and a little simpler.
I write about “the quiet life,” a term first coined by a writer named Paul who lived a couple thousand years ago. It’s a vision for living counter-culturally in a loud and restless world, which is the subject of my newest book Sanctuary.
One of my favorite things to do is sit with a friend, one on one, and share stories over a pot of peach tea. Because I believe our stories connect our hearts. So, in a sense, that’s what I’d like to do here, even though I recognize the many limitations with a digital venue.
To learn more about the purpose of this newsletter, click here.
A little about me professionally…
I’m a teacher, editor, author, and speaker.
With an M.A. in English, I’ve enjoyed teaching college courses in literature and composition. I’ve also taught English in both private and public K-12 schools.
For several years I served as an editor, working with dozens of Christian women writers in online spaces. I’ve also served as the General Editor on a couple of fun projects with LifeWay, like this one here.
I’ve written a few books too, and I think you’ll find a fairly consistent theme in everything I write — you’ll also find I have a fondness for em dashes and scare quotes.
A little about me personally…
When I’m not in front of a screen, which is happening more and more, I’m taking long walks outside and having long talks with friends.
Admittedly, though, I’m a homebody. I love reading old books, sipping hot tea, writing with actual pens, and snuggling with my two small dogs who are convinced they’re humans with paws.
My husband, Jeff, is my best friend. He always makes me laugh. Together, we’ve raised three kids — two girls and a boy. They’re 29, 21, and 20.
We’re originally from California, but we’ve become the latest transplants (refugees?) to the Carolinas. And we’re loving the deciduous trees.
I adore my family, which is why I don’t write much about my kids. Throughout my “online life,” I’ve been committed to honoring my children’s privacy.
As a writer, I’m a storyteller.
As a mom, I’m a story protector.
When I say “story protector,” I simply mean I believe it’s my responsibility as a mom to let them tell their own stories when they’re ready.
As much as my life has been influenced by my experiences as a wife and mom, my life remains indelibly shaped by the God who rescued me from certain demise, which I wrote about in my first book Deeper Waters.
I will spend all my days declaring this truth: No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done or what might have been done to you, there is grace for you and everything you have been through. There is real hope for new life. Not because I can make it so, but because God can make it so.
So, more than anything, I want you to know: You are welcome here. No matter what. Life is a journey, and the journey is made so much sweeter when we sojourn together.
Other Places Where My Writing Has Appeared…
First 5 App (also by P31)
To learn more, you can visit my website.
And, yeah, it’s totally free to subscribe.